Courageous Cougar Speaks Out About Her Breast Cancer

Courageous cougar Breast cancer awareness month is drawing to a close. I do not have breast cancer but MaryK Kohlman, one of the fabulous females in my Real Cougar community isn't so fortunate. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and has gone through a series of radiation treatments.  MaryK  is one of the most positive people I know and can serve as a role model for all women. She says, "some people might say I am burying my head in the sand, but I believe maintaining my positive energy is crucial for getting well."

Yesterday, MaryK sent me an email.  It contains an important message so I wanted to share it with you.  In my opinion, her advice is right on, but decide for yourself.  Here's what she said:-

"Linda could you do me a favor?  Tell people the appropriate way to respond when someone they know and care about has cancer. It seems to me, people can't wait to tell you the horrible details of someone that died or struggled with the disease.

Believe me when I tell you, we don't want to hear about those gory details. Here's an example. I had lunch with several women the other day. One of my friends had breast cancer and it has returned.  She is now preparing to undergo a double mastectomy. The ladies couldn't wait to tell her about the pain of reconstruction and the horror that she would face. I could immediately see my friends attitude change as she was hearing their gut wrenching stories.

Linda, you know me…lol, I had to speak up.  I said,"look at this as a cosmetic procedure and when you are through you will have beautiful breasts that are perky and just the right size".  I totally believe in focusing on the positive. I wish others would do the same. I am not saying it might not be difficult, but good lord we don't want to focus on the pain – it makes us feel dreadful.  When I was going through radiation I just made believe that I was heading to the beach. I think that really helped and I didn't have any of the dreaded symptoms that everyone said I would."

MaryK, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this important health issue. This courageous lady was gracious enough to talk about her experience with breast cancer in my book Don't Ever Call Me Ma'am!  She is beautiful, brave and knows what it means to be a Real Cougar.